
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Broccoli-White Cheddar Frittata - Low Carb Sunday Breakfast

Happy Sunday! This morning I woke up around 6:00 and the first thought that went through my mind was..."oh no, I forgot to cover the grill last night"...and rain was expected this morning. I ran out and quickly covered the grill and while doing so, the sky opened up and the wind came from nowhere and we had violent thunderstorms with lots of lightening and pounding rain. Since hubby and I got up so early, we made a cup of coffee and went out and sat on the screened porch and listened to and watched the storm. It lasted for over an hour and then changed over to just rain. By 11:00 this the sun actually popped out which should make for some nice humidity.

Since we were up early, I went ahead and made an early breakfast. I had about 1 cup of leftover steamed broccoli in the fridge and a wedge of Tillamook Limited Edition Extra Sharp White Cheddar Cheese I've been wanting to try so I decided a Broccoli-White Cheddar Frittata was in order. It was so simple to make and a great way to use up some leftover broccoli and try out the cheese at the same time. I used my Calphalon 8-inch nonstick oven safe skillet for the frittata. I like to start my frittatas on the stove top. I begin by letting a pat of Kerrygold butter begin to sizzle, then pour the frittata mixture into the skillet so it can immediately start forming a "crust" and then pop it into the oven for about 20 minutes to bake. I placed some bacon on a cookie sheet and popped it into the oven before the frittata came out so everything would come out together. I added a couple of big ripe organic Driscoll's strawberries to our plates and breakfast was served! We enjoyed it and I have enough leftover to reheat for breakfast tomorrow. I snapped a few photos and included the easy peasy recipe below. Enjoy!

Fresh out of the oven

Broccoli-White Cheddar Frittata 


1 tablespoon butter
1 cup cooked broccoli florets, chopped
1 cup shredded sharp white cheddar cheese (I used Tillamook extra sharp)
8 large eggs
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Beat eggs in a medium bowl. Stir in broccoli and shredded cheese; add salt and pepper, to taste.

Melt butter in an 8-inch ovenproof non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. When butter begins to sizzle, pour egg mixture into skillet and cook for 2 to 3 minutes to allow outer edges to crust slightly. Place skillet in oven and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes until lightly golden on top and center of frittata doesn't jiggle when the skillet is shaken slightly. Allow frittata to sit for a few minutes. Use a rubber spatula to help slide the frittata onto a cutting board. Cut into wedges and serve.



  1. Hi GGC,

    Yum! My "Frittata King" will love this.

    Good job getting to the grill in the nick of time! I'm assuming that you were being just a *bit* facetious when you said *nice* humidity. :-) We've been getting it here, too. I've been running the dehumidifier and am amazed at how much water it wrings out of the air!

  2. Can't wait to try this new recipe. You don't mention how many servings or any nutritional values. So you have any of that information. I would at least like to know how many servings please??


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