When I started cooking it yesterday, I cut up 3 carrots and 4 small red potatoes (the potatoes were for hubby) and placed them in the bottom of my crock pot and then placed the brisket on top and sprinkled on the seasoning and added about 2 cups of water and covered it and let it cook on high for the first couple of hours and then on low for about 10 more hours overnight. I cooked the cabbage separately this evening and simply quartered a small head of savoy cabbage and cooked it in about an inch or so of water for about 15 minutes so it didn't become water logged. Generally speaking, I am not a big corned beef fan; I can take it or leave it, but I used to make it regularly when my kids were younger every year for St. Patrick's Day. Hubby likes it, so I decided to make one this year. I bought one that was too big though so I will probably freeze some or use it for other things. I tend to frequently still cook as if I have a full house sometimes. I snapped a few photos below. Enjoy!

These are the ramblings of a self-described wheat, grain and gluten-free “gourmet girl” that loves to cook and eat good food. I love creating and sharing recipes and photographing “beautiful food”. In July 2012, I eliminated wheat, grains and added sugar from my diet and rediscovered real, whole fresh foods again and effortlessly lost 65+ pounds. Join me in my wheat, grain and gluten-free journey. See how easy it is to enjoy grain free gourmet, one meal at a time! Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Corned Beef & Cabbage - Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We had corned beef and cabbage for dinner this evening. I actually placed my corned beef brisket in my crock pot last night around 6:00 p.m. and cooked it until 6:00 a.m. this morning. I removed the brisket to a platter so it could cool off and removed the vegetables (carrots and red potatoes) to a separate bowl to cool and then kept the broth separate (I cooked the cabbage separately). Corned beef slices so beautifully when cold and then you can either reheat it lightly in a little water or some of the cooking juices.
When I started cooking it yesterday, I cut up 3 carrots and 4 small red potatoes (the potatoes were for hubby) and placed them in the bottom of my crock pot and then placed the brisket on top and sprinkled on the seasoning and added about 2 cups of water and covered it and let it cook on high for the first couple of hours and then on low for about 10 more hours overnight. I cooked the cabbage separately this evening and simply quartered a small head of savoy cabbage and cooked it in about an inch or so of water for about 15 minutes so it didn't become water logged. Generally speaking, I am not a big corned beef fan; I can take it or leave it, but I used to make it regularly when my kids were younger every year for St. Patrick's Day. Hubby likes it, so I decided to make one this year. I bought one that was too big though so I will probably freeze some or use it for other things. I tend to frequently still cook as if I have a full house sometimes. I snapped a few photos below. Enjoy!
When I started cooking it yesterday, I cut up 3 carrots and 4 small red potatoes (the potatoes were for hubby) and placed them in the bottom of my crock pot and then placed the brisket on top and sprinkled on the seasoning and added about 2 cups of water and covered it and let it cook on high for the first couple of hours and then on low for about 10 more hours overnight. I cooked the cabbage separately this evening and simply quartered a small head of savoy cabbage and cooked it in about an inch or so of water for about 15 minutes so it didn't become water logged. Generally speaking, I am not a big corned beef fan; I can take it or leave it, but I used to make it regularly when my kids were younger every year for St. Patrick's Day. Hubby likes it, so I decided to make one this year. I bought one that was too big though so I will probably freeze some or use it for other things. I tend to frequently still cook as if I have a full house sometimes. I snapped a few photos below. Enjoy!
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We had this exact same meal tonight, except that my hubby made the whole thing in a stockpot on the stove! He likes corned beef and I can take it or leave it ... sounds familiar, eh? :-) I mostly don't care to smell it cooking, but this one was very mild and "non-assertive" and I barely noticed it at all. And, I must admit, it *did* taste good! We have lots of left-overs, too.
By the way, we had the last of the Irish soda bread rolls along with our dinner ... very tasty "salute" to St. Pat! :-)
Hi CyberSis,
Great minds think alike, right? Especially on St. Patrick's Day... ;-)
If it were on a weekend, I would probably have opted to make it on the stove, too. 12-hours of smelling it cooking in the crock pot was a long time! LOL ;-)
@Cyber Sis and Ayla, you ladies need a pressure cooker, an electric one so that you are able to cook your meat outdoors. No nasty smells!
Cyber Sis, in my next life I only will marry a man with a love of cooking, my husband refuses to even reheat left-overs , even though he thinks they taste good.
He is still from the old school and does not do house work . He is from Europe. So I envy you a lot!
Hi Barbara,
You are probably right about the pressure cooker, but if I remember correctly, CyberSis has an instapot. I've considered it and once/when/if I ever get everything organized and the clutter cleaned out of my house so I can actually make room for the things I use (haha)I hope to purchase one.
Oh...while we are on the subject of next lives...LOL...I will be sure to marry someone that actually likes to EAT leftover! I'll even heat them up for him, spoon feed him...whatever it takes. LOL But, you are right, CyberSis is lucky to have a hubby that cooks, too. I hear he makes a mean frittata! ;-)
I have the Instapot, it is fabulous , one can also slow cook
in it.
I have a good recipe for bacon and Brussel sprouts, done in 4 minutes in the PR.-cooker. So good!
Thank you for your wonderful recipes-needs repeating !
A propos clutter-whenever I get rid of things-I will be needing it fairly soon after. It is uncanny! I am actually running out of time to get really organized !
Hi GGC & Barbara,
That's why we call him the "Frittata King" around my house. ;-) He's been cooking since he was a little kid (and I do mean *little*.) I thought about using the Instapot outside for the corned beef, but it was so *COLD* and *WINDY* that day that I didn't have the heart to suggest it. We'll have to get our next corned beef from Kroger again ... it really was v-e-r-y mild smelling and tasting. I was quite pleased with the whole thing.
Hi CyberSis,
Good to know about the Kroger corned beef. I got mine at Costco. I don't know what they normally cost but mine was $35 which I thought was a little pricey but I'm not sure. I know it was WAY too big for just the 2 of us. :-)
Hi Barbara,
Oh my...only 4 minutes??? That is unbelievable! I do need to get an instapot in the future it seems. My goal is to have my house de-cluttered by summer...which means I had better get busy soon!
You are right...any time I get rid of anything, it always seems I need it. It's the same way with the "stuff" in my purse. I can carry something around in it for over a year...but as soon as I clean my purse out and get rid of the clutter...it's a sure thing that I will finally need it! LOL
P.S. -- In case I haven't told you, it is SO nice to hear from you again. I missed hearing from you and worried if you were okay. Just wanted you to know! :-)
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