
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cheeseburgers in Paradise...on Grain-free Sesame Seed Buns

This evening's dinner was quick and simple. We grilled cheeseburgers and had leftover Yellow Cheddar Squash Casserole from last night as our side dish. The cheeseburgers were extra cheesy because I mixed shredded cheddar cheese into the burgers (along with some Spicy Montreal Steak Seasoning) and then after they were grilled, I put sliced "Five Counties" cheddar cheese on top of them to melt. Five Counties cheddar is a blend of five different types of cheddar and it makes beautiful sliced cheese. I've found it at either Costco or Sam's Club. Of course...the only way to eat these "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" was on one of my grain free Sesame Seed Buns! I made a batch of them yesterday to have handy for the week. It was a quick and delicious meal. If you haven't tried my Sesame Seed Buns...I think you'll be pleased. They are super simple to make and don't require any kitchen appliances or whipping egg whites....just measure, mix, scoop and bake! I snapped a few photos below as well as included the recipe for my Sesame Seed Buns in case you haven't seen it yet. Enjoy!

Dough is scooped and smoothed -- ready for the oven
Before baking -- this is how puffed up they look
Close-up of the dough before baking
Fresh out of the oven
Side view after baking
Cooling on a rack

Sesame Seed Sandwich Buns


3 tablespoons coconut flour, sifted

3/4 cup blanched almond flour
3/4 cup golden ground flaxseed
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste
3 tablespoons granular Swerve Sweetener
3 large eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
3 tablespoons olive oil 
1 to 2 tablespoons sesame seeds


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  

In a medium sized bowl, mix first 7 ingredients together with a whisk to help break up any lumps.

In a small bowl, beat eggs, buttermilk and olive oil together. Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients until combined and a dough is formed. Dough will be thick and slightly sticky. 

Lightly spray a nonstick muffin top pan with olive oil or coconut oil spray. Using a 4-tablespoon size retractable scoop, divide dough into the 6 muffin top cavities. Using slightly moistened finger tips, gently pat down to form patty-sized dough circles that fill the muffin cup. Top with sesame seeds. Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes for dough to rise slightly. Bake for 20-22 minutes or until light golden brown and done. Cool completely before slicing with a sharp serrated knife.



  1. Hi GGC,

    We drove past Cheeseburger Paradise last week and I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be nice if ...?" Looks like you've figured out the "if"! :-)

    I'm still waiting for our Costco/Sam's Club to restock the 5 Counties Cheese. Every now and then one needs to exercise patience when shopping there, eh? ;-)

  2. Can you taste the coconut flour? I am just not a fan of the taste of it at all. This recipe looks so good, just wish there was a substitute for the coconut flour.

  3. Hi CyberSis,

    Is that funny that you drove past it last week? It's a sign that you need to make these buns and have your own little Cheeseburger in Paradise! LOL Hope your stores get the cheese soon.

    Oh...speaking of Costco, one of my followers, Chris, told me that she is having Copper River Salmon tonight -- don't know where she got it (she's on the west coast)...but that means it's the season again! I can't wait to find it! :-)

  4. Hi Trusted Distributor -- No, you can not taste the coconut flour in these at all. I am not a big fan of coconut flour either! I don't care for my recipes tasting like coconut if they aren't supposed to (like coconut pie, for example). I purposely have it blended where you can't taste it. Trust me on this one! :-)

  5. Hi GGC,

    No Kidding! I'd almost forgotten that it's Copper River "Red" season. Thanks for reminding me. :-) I need to call our Costco to see if those lovely little fishies have made it there yet. Costco isn't exactly right around the corner for us, but Copper River Red is definitely worth a *special* trip. It's a short season, but great while it lasts eh?

  6. Hi CyberSis,

    I agree that it would definitely be worth a special trip. I had hoped to try and run to Costco this evening but never made it. I will try and go Friday night to get ahead of the "weekend shoppers" at our Costco this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :-)

  7. Is the dough firm enough to successfully make these buns without spreading? I don't have a muffin top pan and would like to make these tonight using a cookie sheet.

    Thank you for all of your creative and wonderful recipes.

  8. Hi Janet,

    I'm sorry I'm just seeing your message now -- it's probably too late to help you tonight. I have not made them on a cookie sheet -- however, several others have told me that they did and just shaped them by hand (with damp fingertips) and they said they worked out well. Just make sure you don't flatten them too much -- they should be close to 1-inch thick in the highest point and shape them like hockey pucks with a slight domed top. If you try it, let me know how it works for you. Others have told me it worked well for them. :-)

  9. Hi,
    I noticed in looking over your hot dog buns and dinner rolls you have cider vinegar listed as one of the ingredients, but not for the hamburger buns. I there a reason for that? Just curious...
    Also, I made the hamburger buns last nite and loved them, but wondering if I cooked them long enough; cooked 20-22 minutes. Being the 1st time, i was concerned over them being over cooked. But were pretty soft and mushy still. I'll try and leave them in longer. They still tasted wonderful tho and really appreciate having all these bread like items available in place of the real thing. Truly enjoying your website!
    Aloha, Michele

  10. Hi Chele,

    The recipe for the hot dog buns and dinner rolls is a bit more "stiff" intentionally than the sandwich buns. The sandwich buns hold their shape well because they are cooked in the muffin top pan. The dinner rolls and hot dog buns are "free form" on a cookie sheet. I made them a bit more stiff/dense so they wouldn't spread out as much. The apple cider vinegar is acidic and helps with the rise. That's why it's in those 2 recipes. Hope that helps! Glad you enjoyed the buns. It's possible your oven doesn't heat as hot as mine. Just keep an eye on them if you cook them longer so they don't burn. Glad you are enjoying the "bread recipes". :-)

  11. Hi,
    tried your recipe today and love the taste! But for some reason mine didn't rise at all and were really dense... no holes at all... any thoughts what could have gone wrong?

  12. Hi Sue,

    That's interesting that there was no rise or holes, etc. Did you use "real buttermilk" or a substitute? What about your almond flour -- did you use the blanched almond flour (instead of meal)? Almond meal is a bit more dense and doesn't make as fine textured baked goods as the blanched flour does. Lastly, is your baking powder and soda fairly new? Let me know...I'd like to see if we can figure out what might be different so we can fix it! :-)

  13. is it possible to make your own buttermilk with apple cider vinegar added to organic cream ?

  14. Hi Anonymous,

    Yes, you can definitely make it like that. I've had others even make their own dairy free buttermilk substitution like that using almond milk. Sorry I got back to you so late -- it's been a long day. It's after 1:30 a.m. and I'm just now getting back to everyone. Thanks! :-)

  15. I don't have a muffin tin - could I make these as drop biscuits?

  16. Hi Anonymous,

    I don't think they'd work as drop biscuits. You could divide the batter onto a parchment paper lined cookie sheet into 6 equal mounds. Use moistened fingertips to shape them into "hockey puck"-like discs and bake them. They won't be as pretty but should work nicely. Just don't flatten them out too thin. :-)

  17. Do you happen to know the nutritional info! Like how many carbs per bun perhaps??

  18. Can you use Almond milk instead of the buttermilk?

  19. Hi Teri,

    Yes you can use almond milk to make "faux buttermilk". Add 1-1/2 to 2 teaspoons white vinegar or lemon juice to a glass measuring cup and then fill to the 1/2 cup line with almond milk. Let sit 5 to 10 minutes or so, stir and use as buttermilk. You need the acidity to help with the rise of these buns. :-)

  20. Hi Stephanie,

    They have approximately 4.5 to 5 net carbs each. :-)

  21. These look wonderful! What's the best way to store them, please?

  22. Hi Sharon,

    They store nicely at room temp (covered) for a couple of days. Beyond that I would suggest refrigerating them (which is what I do). I've kept them for as long as 7-10 days refrigerated. I know others that successfully wrap them individually and freeze them. Hope that helps! :-)

  23. Made these tonight and they were delicious! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful recipes!

  24. Hi Michelle,

    I am SO glad you like them. The buns make great sandwiches. I actually lightly toasted one this afternoon and had a fried egg and pepper jack cheese sandwich for lunch! You are very welcome! :-)

  25. What kind of carb count do these buns have?

  26. Hi there,

    They have approximately 4.5 to 5 net carbs each (for 6 buns). :-)

  27. I can't have flax.. Is there a comparable replacement? Thx!

  28. Hi there,

    If you can't have flax, you could probably use chia but the amount would be a bit different. I have a bread that uses chia instead of flax...I'll play around with it a bit to see if I can make buns with it! :-)

  29. OMG! All of my burgers NEED THESE BUNS! :)

  30. Hi Gigi!

    I hope you enjoy the buns...they definitely make burgers more fun to eat! :-)

  31. We made these yesterday and they were delicious!! Have you ever used a sweetener other than Swerve, such as stevia?

  32. Hi Marti,

    So happy you enjoyed the buns! I have not used stevia in these. You could try it if you like. Since it's only 1/4 cup of Swerve (which is 4 tablespoons), hopefully decreasing the dry ingredients by that small amount won't make a big difference. If you try it, let me know how they turn out for you. :-)

  33. Thanks so much for this recipe, Ive tried so many different kinds of lc breads etc and this one is definitely the one, we had it for lunch today at work with bacon and egg on it and it was divine ... Im going to make the burgers tonight ... excellent ... from a kiwi in NZ :)

  34. Hi "Kiwi in NZ",

    I'm so happy you enjoyed the sandwich buns. I thought the same thing when I first made them...but when it's my recipe, it sounds like I'm just saying that because it's mine. I'm so happy you like them and hope you enjoy using them in many different ways. It's nice just having a simple sandwich again and enjoying it isn't it! Thanks for letting me know! :-)

  35. Thank you Gourmet Girl! These are by far the BEST "buns" ever. I finally eat sandwiches again! OMG sooooo good! And they don't fall apart as we eat them! I use truvia as a sweetener and I find that 1table spoon Truvia is perfect for this recipe (truvia is sweeter then swerve). Thanks again! Annie from Quebec.

  36. Hi Annie,

    I am so happy you like them and are able to enjoy a simple sandwich again! They are the closest I have had to "real bread" without using wheat.

    Thanks so much for letting me know! :-)

  37. I made the buns yesterday and were so delicious!! Was curious of the carbs per serving.

  38. Hi Amanda,

    Glad you liked them! They have about 4.5 to 5 net carbs per bun. Hope that helps! :-)

  39. I made these today and they baked up nicely. The flax seed taste and smell were not my favorite even with the golden flax seeds. I think I may be one of those non flax lovers. I will try your no flax version next. Your buttermilk biscuits are my favorite so far. Thank you for all your wonderful recipes!

  40. Hi Michele,

    Thanks. You might just be a "no-flaxer"...which is why I came up with the no-flax version, too. Glad you are enjoying the biscuits. Let me know what you think of the other no-flax version of rolls. This one (with flax) is probably my favorite of the sandwich rolls...but the golden flax taste doesn't bother me. :-)

  41. Hi GGC!

    I made these Grain-free Buns this week (4 recipes worth, actually)! Couldn't find my sesame seeds tho. They are delish without, and I am sure with, as well!

    3 of the 4 recipes worth I made last night: one batch for sis, one for a co-worker, and one for me!

    After sis tasted one from Batch #1, she asked if she could have another, and then took two (instead of one more)! I made them in the smaller muffin top pan, so got 12 from the recipe instead of the yield of 6 larger buns. She was interested in having some on hand so I said I'd make her a batch to have at home. (She is quite impressed with your success with Wheat Belly.)

    Did you know you can bake this batter in a loaf pan and it works fine? It is dense, of course, but the slices remind me of the texture of banana bread. Maybe not wheat banana bread, I can't even tell you the last time I had any of that, but something about it brought that memory. Tonight I spread a slice with some butter that I'd mixed banana flavor drops and Confectioner's Swerve into, and that really made it seem like banana bread!

    I don't know if two slices of this would work well for a sandwich, but it sure works well to just slice and eat!

    Thank you for this fabulous recipe!

    Yum yum!!!


  42. Hi Alice,

    So happy you, your sister and co-worker are enjoying the rolls. They are truly one of my favorite!

    Funny you mentioned making it in a loaf pan...because I actually have a bread recipe (loaf) that was modeled after this batter/dough. It's called my "Awesome Grain Free Bread" and is actually one of the more popular bread recipes on my site. Here's the link to it:

    I also have a version made with chia instead of flax for those that don't care for the flax. Don't you love it when you take a recipe and make other recipes with it?

    In case you are interested, here's a "Fauxnana Walnut Skillet Bread" recipe I have, too. Very similar to what you are talking about.

    Glad you are enjoying the recipes and experimenting with them! :-)

  43. OMG, I'm in heaven! I just made these and ate one with a leftover hamburger on it. It was not only delicious, but held up very well with the burger. I used the muffin top pan I purchased specifically for this recipe and it made 7 buns. So I guess I can count slightly less than the 4.5 - 5 carbs you listed. I can't wait to try some of your other bread recipes, but this one is definitely a repeater in this household. THANKS!

  44. Hi BTC,

    I am so happy you liked the buns. They are truly one of my favorites. I do not miss bread at all with these. They make great sandwiches. I've even shaped them similar to sub buns, hot dog buns, etc. I can't tell you how nice it is to have a real sandwich between 2 pieces of bread when you are in the mood! Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed them. :-)

  45. Hi GGC, I am looking forward to trying your bread recipes. I usually make the WB 30-minute breads. I've made several of your recipes and we love the tortilla lasagna. I even used the tortillas to make an enchilada casserole the other day and it turned out delicious too! The tortillas are very versatile :) Can't wait for your cookbook to come out (hint hint)...I spend way too much time on this site trying to find the recipes I need in a hurry.

  46. Hi Rose,

    So happy to here you've been enjoying the tortillas. I actually have a Chicken Enchilada Casserole that uses them that you might like, too.

    One of the easiest breads of mine to try first might be my Sesame Seed Sandwich Buns because they are also quite versatile (sandwiches, burgers, etc.) and the consistency is the closest to real bread I have found in the 3 years I've been grain free. :-)

  47. Hi GGC
    I tried your SSbuns this morning - just I forgot to get the sesame. Baked them in big muffin pans. They were a success! Yippee! So chuffed. Hubby said they were nice. I did the "cup of eggs" thingey. Thanks for your help.

  48. Hi MDB,

    So happy they turned out nicely for you! Hope you enjoy using them for all kinds of things! :-)

  49. Hi, how do you think these would work for a quick grilled cheese sandwich? I am not a burger lover, but would love to have something in the fridge or freezer to make a quick sandwich. Would you recommend something else instead of the buns? Thanks, Cammie

  50. Hi Cammie,

    Funny you should's a link to the post I made when I actually tried it a while back (grilled cheese):

    Now...I would definitely omit the sesame seeds and if you want to make it square, one of my followers actually bakes this dough and cuts it into 6 square shaped pieces and then halves them. I've copied how she said she does it here: "I love, love, love this bread! This time, just to do something a little different, I decided to try an idea that I'd seen in the comments section of your original recipe. I spread the dough out in a greased 7x11-inch rectangular baking dish. After 22 minutes it came out of the oven perfectly baked. I let it cool down in the pan for 15-20 minutes, cut it into 6 pieces, and then split the pieces in two just like you do with the buns. It worked great and had the same wonderful flavor and texture of the original."

    Hope that helps! Let me know. :-)

  51. Hi there,
    Not sure if this has come up in the comments but I couldn't find a muffin top pan and so I tried with wide mouth mason jar lid rings (lightly greased with coconut oil) and baked them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Worked very well. Thank you for this recipe!!

  52. I am having issues with using that small amount of coconut flour, but I'm afraid to substitute without your input and expertise. I've heard that coconut flour is very drying and uses up liquid, so using something else I'm afraid will mess up these rolls, and the ingredients are expensive to waste.

    I'm just starting to get into this lifestyle after being away from it, and I know your recipes can make it possible for me to really enjoy food while eating this way, I am so grateful to you!!!!

    I know I need some good bread-type recipes to keep me going!!! I don't mind using coconut oil or coconut milk, but no flaked coconut or coconut flour because of the intense coconut taste. HELP!!!

    Thanks for your input. I know in the past you have suggested trying some protein powder that is without flavoring.

    I was so sad when I heard about your Mom's passing, I went through a tough time when my Dad passed away 14 years ago. Know I'm sorry and I care.

    Best wishes,


  53. SO sorry, I just saw that you said you cannot taste the coconut, so perhaps I just need to try these as the recipe is...

    Thanks so much, I'll pick up a small amount to use in this recipe when I go to my favorite health food store on Tuesday.

    By the way, I think I sent you a link to this store's site, some great recipes on there, and I'm following their nutritional program, and Dr. William Davis has written a section of this book (Discover The Power Of Food by Janet Jacks--as far as I know it's only available in Canada, if you ever want it, contact me and I'll help you get it. I could mail it to you in the US...when I go across at some point, no trouble) and he has done some lecture events with Janet Jacks. The store is called Goodness Me, and Janet Jacks has a weekly radio show available online live at 8 am to 9 am EST on Saturdays, the link is on the Goodness Me site. Here's the link, just thought you might be interested-- and I love this recipe for a mixed nut snack, great for gift-giving is here-- Festive Spiced Nuts
    by Katie Mitton October 03, 2014

    Festive Spiced Nuts

    The perfect medley of nuts and seasonings! These spiced nuts are great to have on hand when you need a snack or afternoon pick-me-up, and also make a great gift packaged in mason jars.
    1 cup organic walnuts
    1 cup organic almonds
    1 cup organic pecans
    1 cup organic cashews
    1/2 cup butter
    1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
    1 tsp. garlic powder
    1 tsp. onion powder
    1 tsp. celery salt
    1/2 tsp. Herbamare
    1/2 tsp. kelp flakes (optional)
    1/2 tsp. cumin
    1/8 tsp. cayenne

    Preheat oven to 325°F. Place butter in a roasting pan and put in oven until butter melts. Remove and add all the seasonings. Stir well. Throw in the nuts and stir to combine. Bake for approx. 45 minutes, stirring every 10-15 minutes to coat nuts. Let cool completely. Place in a sealed container.

    Hoping you enjoy it.

  54. Hi Joanne,

    Regarding a substitute for the coconut flour. If you want, you can use the plain unflavored whey protein powder which should be as close as you can get to the texture of coconut flour. I wouldn't buy a big canister of it until you've tried it though. Here we can buy a small envelope (like enough to put in a protein drink) and see if you can buy that small amount to try because most of it is not inexpensive either.

    Thanks for the recipe and info you passed along as well. Yes, I believe you did tell me about Janet Jacks before. I will check out the link. Also, thanks for the kind remarks about my Mom. It is still hard to believe she is gone some days. And there are those times when your first gut instinct is to pick up the phone to tell her something only to have to remind yourself you can't. I hope you find a small amount of coconut flour to try and see if you agree it can't be tasted in this recipe. I am weird about using coconut flour for savory items as well but find I can tolerate it when used in the background in small quantities when blended with other ingredients. Let me know if you try them. :-)

  55. I know this an old post but I am interested in making these rolls but I need a substitute for the flax and I can't have chia either....please help!


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