Today was an absolutely frigid day here in the Atlanta area. Our high this time of year should be around 70, and instead it was around 40 with rain, wind and just an ugly day all the way around. We actually had to put the heat back on again and according to the weather reports, today's temperature tied as a record low temperature back in 1987. The last couple of days I have felt a little puny with an upset stomach -- nothing terrible, but enough to feel a little bit yucky. Last night hubby picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner and I just roasted some brussels sprouts to go with it. This evening I didn't have too much of an appetite, but decided to use the leftover rotisserie chicken to make a quick "pasta" meal for dinner. I cut the chicken into chunks and simmered it in sauce along with some sauteed fresh sliced mushrooms. I served it over "zucchini pasta" that I made using my Kuhn Rikon vegetable shredder (it's like a vegetable peeler with teeth). I quickly sauteed the zucchini for a few minutes in a little olive oil and seasoned it with a pinch of sea salt and topped it with grated Parmesan cheese...and "voila"...dinner was ready in less than 20 minutes. Below are a couple of photos. Enjoy!
Voila! |
Sorry to hear you’re under the weather ... hope you will soon be getting your appetite back and feeling much better.
We had a rotisserie chicken yesterday, too. Today we had your Southwest Chicken Salad with the left-overs. We both really love it and it’s become our “go-to” recipe for left-over rotisserie chicken. Will have to try “Quick Chicken & Zucchini Pasta” one next time ... quick and delicious ... always a great combo!
A few days ago we had some sautéed zucchini “noodles,” too. Well, are you up to another trip down Memory Lane? J To julienne the zucchini I used my Mouli shredder ... do you remember those? I have the one with the flat cutting disks (rather than the little cylinder shaped ones that they use for cheese in Italian restaurants.) It did a great job on the zucchini. I’ve had it for years and it’s still one of my favorite kitchen tools! I came across a “vintage” photo ... here’s the link:[0]=tags&ga_search_query=mouli+grater&ga_page=2&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=mouli+grater&ga_view_type=gallery
Take care, get some rest, and feel better soon!
Wow Cybersis! I haven't thought about those in YEARS!!! I didn't have one but knew someone that did -- and it was all the parts of a food processor you really needed without all the other "stuff"! That was back in the good old days when every piece of kitchen equipment didn't require electricity Glad you like the Southwest Chicken Salad, too! P.S. -- Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :-)
Wow, I never thought of using that shredder for veggie 'noodles'! I don't have a Mouli, but very similar, mine is the Fuller Brush version and it it easily accessible in my kitchen cabinets!! I used it recently to shred some cheese.
Will be trying this soon. What fun!
Hi Alice,
Hope your gadget works well shredding your zucchini noodles! On one of my posts I give tips on how not to make "watery zoodles". If you've never made them before, it would be worth checking it out. :-)
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