Today, it's an absolutely gorgeous top 10 day here. Bright, sunny, clear blue skies...and 73 degrees for our high! Last night after work, we did our Costco run to get it out of the way because I had to take my car in for service early this morning. When we got back from Costco last night around 8:30, I made a batch of tuna salad to have for dinner...but put it back in the fridge and decided to take my walk first before eating since it was so gorgeous out. Hubby and I have started back to walking again as of 2 weeks ago. It's hard to believe that only a couple short years ago we were power walking 5 miles per day every day and had just started incorporating intervals of running with our daily walks. It seemed like a brilliant idea at the time...until one night while running about a mile from home at 11:30 pm...(yes, that's the DARK)...I was running through the old part of our town and tripped and fell on very uneven sidewalks...and went wasn't pretty. I messed up my knee, my wrist, tore the palm of my hand...and still had to walk bleeding and injured one mile to get back home. I didn't think I would ever get the gravel and grit out of my wounds!!! So, that was an abrupt end to my 2-year long joy of walking and running every day. we go again...LOL. I have learned my lesson -- I won't go running in the dark or on uneven sidewalks...EVER again. :-) did I get off on this tangent anyway??? Oh...I was originally talking about making tuna salad for dinner last night but decided to get my walk in beforehand instead...well, when I got back in from walking last night I was no longer hungry and didn't eat dinner, except for a few pistachios. When we got back from the car dealer this afternoon, I used last night's tuna salad to make myself some yummy Tuna Salad Roll-ups for lunch. To make the tuna salad, I used canned Wild Planet wild caught tuna that I buy at Costco. I mixed it with some olive oil mayonnaise, a squirt of Dijon mustard, finely minced shallot, diced celery, red bell pepper, and finely diced dill pickle. I rolled them up in beautiful butter lettuce leaves and topped them with strips of provolone cheese and sliced fresh roma tomatoes and served them with some roasted almonds. It was really good, simple and fresh. I snapped a few photos below. Enjoy!
Voila! |
So simple...and so pretty! |
I hope you are fully recovered from your injuries, that is, no long-term effects. Sometimes an incident like that can be life-changing.
OH ... I knew there was something I wanted at Costco. Went yesterday and forgot to get the tuna! Probably won't be getting back there for a little while again.
Lovely weather you're having. I shoveled snow today ... not a bad thing, though, since I missed a gym session this week. Another snowstorm looming for Monday/Tuesday. Gotta think Spring!
Hi CyberSis! Thanks -- as far as I know I am recovered (I had chronic achilles problems for a while afterwards so I would start back with exercising and have to stop again). I finally stopped for 2 years and have been consistently pain free for the last year -- so...I am 2 weeks in -- and so far/so good. I am totally amazed that I was able to lose 55 lbs doing WB without any exercise -- I usually have to work out so much to lose weight. My 2 years of inactivity made it really easy to put on weight which is why I turned to WB -- to see if it really worked (not thinking it would). Boy was I surprised! I am actually smaller now than when I was walking and running 5 miles per day" for years! Wow...can't believe you are shoveling snow and still have snow in your forecast for this week! I think we have heavy rains moving in here tomorrow. I don't know if all the Costco's have the same discount or sales everywhere at the same time...but the Wild Planet tuna is $5.00 off this month at ours (regularly $14.99 -- on sale for $9.99 for 6 cans). That's a good price to stock up on! I hope Spring will be in your forecast soon! :-)
Just got an error message when I tried to comment. In case it didn't get through, here's the gist of it:
Congratulations on the 55 lbs ... that's awesome! Glad the walking is going well. When the weather around here gets better we'll be heading outside, as well. But not for too long ... when the hot summer hits I'm back inside till fall!
Thanks for the tuna tip. We're sure to make it to Costco before the end of the month.
First day of spring is Wednesday ... at least according to the calendar! :-)
Thanks, Cybersis! Funny you got an error message today -- my post with the power bars disappeared TWICE this afternoon when I was trying to post it -- I had to retype that stuff 2 times! I almost gave up. Thanks for the kind words...and I hope you get the "Spring weather" when you are supposed to on Wednesday this week! ;-)
Considering the trouble you had posting it, I appreciate the recipe even more now. :-)
Maybe you already know about this helpful trick. I occasionally post to Ravelry (an “online community” for knitters & crocheters.) When I want to post some lengthy or detailed text I’ll compose it on a Word file and save it to my hard drive, then copy and paste it from Word into Ravelry. That way, if there’s a glitch in cyberspace, you don’t lose all the hard work and time you put in because you’ve saved it and can try again. I don’t know anything about Blogger, but it works for the “comments” section (although I usually don’t do that just for short comments) so it might work from your end, too. Happy Spring!
Hi Cybersis! Wow, you are smart to compose your posts in Word first "just in case" -- I don't know why I didn't think of that too!!! LOL I will make sure to do that for lengthy posts. The first major glitches I began having was around Christmas time and it was awful for about a week. But every once in a while it gets weird for some reason. I will definitely take your advice about Word!!! Thanks for the tip and Happy Spring to you too! :-)
Hi GGC. I learned the hard way, believe me! :-) Someone enlightened me with that little hint a long time ago and I'm so happy to pass it along, especially to someone who's been so generous in sharing her wonderful recipes, cooking hints, and beautiful photos with all of us!
Thanks so much Cybersis! :-)
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